Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This is not the end.

I once thought this man was the scariest thing on this planet. Oh Freddie. My cousin made me watch two or three of the movies in one night, I was about 9. It scared me so badly I couldn't sleep for nights. I wish I could be scared like that now, I love horror films too much to fear them though. I've seen them all, my dad has a lot of the classics. Some are terrible, they make me cringe instead of making me squirm.

Now I fear this.
Is it just me or is it the scariest thing there is..  I fear the loneliness, seeing everyone you know pass. Waiting to not wake? It terrifies me, it scares me more than dear Freddie or the Boogy-man. They are all fake, this is real. I was thinking about it while trying to sleep last night. Not that I got any, oh the life of an insomniac.. But according to facebook, everyone is an insomniac.

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