Tuesday, November 30, 2010

With your hands between your thighs and smile

"i couldnt stay away i couldnt fight it id hoped youd see my face and that youd be reminded that for me it isnt over yet.. nothing compares no worries or cares regrets and mistakes that memories make who would have known how bitter sweet this would taste"

Sorry love but no, sometimes it does hurt instead. And that's better. That's living, that's being alive. This world is strange in so many ways but do we fade into it and give in to it or readjust ourselves and enjoy the small pleasures it gives. I'm going back to 505, fucking enjoy it. Let go. LIVE! I did the last time I checked. I love this, I love NOW, not (then). I crumble completely when you cry, but not any more. 
Sorry about you.

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